When the sky is shattered. (The conquest of the high Space will begin)
When the sky is split asunder
When the sky is split apart
When the sky breaks apar
When the heaven is cracked.
When the sky is torn apart
When the heaven shall be cleft
WHEN THE SKY is split asunder
When the sky is split apart,
When the heaven is cleft open
When the sky is rent apart
When the heavens are cleft asunder
When the sky is torn apart
When the universe is ripped apart
When the sky is cleaved,
When the heaven is split asunder
When the heaven is cracked.
When the sky breaks
When the heaven is cleft
When the heaven is shattered
When the sky is split
When the heaven is cleft asunder
When/if the sky/space split/cracked/cleaved
The day that the sky splits open
When the heaven splits open
When the heaven is cleft asunder
When (all) the heavenly spheres will be split apart
When the sky will be cleft asunder
When the heaven is cleft asunder
When heaven is split open
When the heaven shall be cloven in sunder
When the heaven is cleft asunder
WHEN the Heaven shall CLEAVE asunder
WHEN THE sky is rent asunder;
When the sky rents asunder.
When the sky is cleft asunder,
When the sky ruptures,
When the sky splits!
When the sky splits apart,
When the sky bursts apart
When the sky is cracked.
When the sky is cleft asunder,
And when the sky is split apart,
"When the sky is shattered,"
When The Sky is cleft asunder
When once the heaven is cleaved asunder,
When the sky is cleft asunder ,
When the sky is rent,
When the Sky is cleft asunder
When the sky (is) cleft asunder
Itha alssamao infatarat
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